KrYpT'z ReALm
PrOgGz n sH*t
Well, this site isnt done at all yet, i got more shit 2 add 2 it. so 4 now enjoy what i do have on here, o n yea, graphix will b changed soon:) so hang in there

AOL 4.0 Progs

AOL . Progs

AbominationSiDI don't really like this prog that much but it's still good.
AlchemyN/AHaven't tried it yet.
Anarchy 1.0Forbidden Access, Floyd, & DeltaThis is phat!!! It has everything you need including a server and massmailer. Check out the fader in this!
America Onfire PlatinumForbidden Access, Fatal Error, & FloydThis prog ain't that bad. Has a lot of features and a plain interface.
AOL Super Free ToolzN/AN/A
Beyond DestinyXarcA lot of people pitched in to help make this. It has somewhat a lot of features and a phat interface.
Blazing HolocaustKramerPretty decent prog. Has mostly chat options and it includes a pws scanner.
BorgN/ANever tried it. Someone give me a comment.
Chrome 1.2HilThis is a great prog. Has a lot of features for AOL 4.0.
ConspericyRecT & HilThe prog itself doesn't have a lot of features, but this pack includes an idle bot, pwsd, server, and mmer.
Dark Star 3.1ChainThis is a phat prog! A great interface and a lot of features. Download this!
DaWicked ToolzDaWickedPretty decent prog. It mostly has chat options. DaWicked Fader is included.
Dead Man 1.0CaneI don't really like the interface, but it's a pretty good prog. It has a lot of features.
Electrik x2ExitThis is a phat prog for AOL 4.0. Has a lot of features and a nice intro art.
Fate ZeroMaGuS & FungiiThis prog is for AOL 3.0 & 4.0. It has a nice interface and a lot of features.
Fiction 5.0SenateI don't really like this. There's not that many features and the interface is too plain.
Final Fantasy 8RsZzPretty phat prog. I've seen progs with more features but those progs don't have a virus or deltree sender.
Final Fantasy TerraRsZzThis has tons of features including a virus and deltree sender.
Freon 4.0Dry IceI really like this prog. It's has a lot of features and it's only 222KB.
Freon GoldDry IceI love this prog. It has a nice interface and a lot of features.
Godzilla 3.0CoLDN/AThis prog is phat! I've seen better though. Has a lot of options. It takes a while to download this but it's worth it.
Gothic NightmaresMastaThis is a phat prog for AOL 4.0. I love it! The interface isn't that great, but it has tons of features.
H2O Toolzh2�The interface of this prog isn't that bad but it doesn't have a lot of features.
Half Baked 1.0LiviDThis prog has mostly the basic features.
Hell's Revenge Beta 2DeViL.98MBThis is a pretty decent prog. Not much to it though. Download it and see for yourself.
Hydro Toolz 2.0CronieThis is a pretty decent prog. Has a lot of Chat features, an ASCII shop, and a decompile protector, a pwsd, and more.
Ice 1.0DeGenerateThis lacks a lot of features but it has many bots and chat options
Icy Hot 2.0MissionThis is a phat prog. Nice interface. Doesn't have that many features. But, it's worth the download.
ImproviseFLeX & ReCTThis is phat! Has a phat i-face, tons of features for AOL, including a server, mmer, api spy, and more!
Intel 1.2MeSThis is pretty good. It's made by my bro MeS. Has a plain interface and a lot of features including a pwsd. Check it out!
IntensitySpookyz & BladeThis kinda sux. It only has like fifteen features.
Iron 4.0ThaImonMiCThis is a small prog. Looks like it was made by a newbie.
MacabreProgeeThis is a good prog. Has a lot of features and a nice interface.
Millenium 5.0BofenThis prog is phat! Has tons of features. The interface ain't that bad either.
Northern Lights 1.0 BetaRuShThis isnt' that bad. It has a lot of Chat features. Check it out, it's pretty cool.
Nuclear WarPhatAssI don't like its interface and it doesn't have a lot of features.
Oddities 1.0DXThis is pretty good. Has some features you won't find in other progs, and a cool i-face.
Paranoia 0.6 BetaKunTMastaHThis is phat! It has a nice i-face and tons of features. And this is only a beta! For more info, click here.
Phreeze 1aDeWThis isn't that bad. I've seen better. Download it though, it's pretty cool.
Phrost ByteProgeeThis prog is phat. It's definitely one of the best AOL 4.0 Progs out there! It has a lot of features and a nice interface.
Rapier BronzeExcaliburThis prog is for both AOL 4.0 and 3.0 and it's phat. It has a lot of features and a nice i-face.
Scorch 4.9ScorchThis is a phat prog for AOL 4.0. Download it, it's pretty good. Although I did find some glitches.
Sonic'z Chat Toolz Beta 2SonicI like this. It has tons of features and an adjustable interface. You have to check this out!
Surge 1.1JoLTThis is a just a small prog that has some of the stuff you need. I don't really like it, but if you want it, here it is.
Taco Bell ToolzMotorThis interface sucks, but damn it has a lot of features!!! Nice job Motor.
Terminator 1.0VikingPretty decent prog. Not a lot of features, but it has some useful ones. And the interface kinda sucks.
The Butcherer 1.0SLuShThis is a decent prog for AOL 4.0. It has a lot of features.
The UrgeTheUrgeManThis prog is decent. The interface kinda sux. But, it's pretty cool.
Tornado Beta 1.0KokoThis is pretty good. The interface sucks though. It doesn't have that many features but hey, it's the beta edition.
Vampire FinalVioI don't like this prog. The interface sucks and it doesn't have a lot of features.
VaporWardenI don't like this that much. Some of the stuff on it don't work, but it's still pretty cool.
WiccaCruecifiedI don't like the i-face and how the the prog is put together, but there's a lot of features in it.
WTF 4.0PassWordThis is a decent prog. Not a lot of options and has a good, not phat, interface.

AOL 3.0 Progs

AOL . Progs

CitadelStormKaOsThis prog is pretty cool. Has a lot of features and a nice interface.
Crusade 6.0StormKaOsAnother phat prog by StormKaOs. Has a lot of features and a great interface.
Dark Legend 1.02ChronosAnother phat prog by Chronos. Has a nice i-face and tons of features. It has all the basics and more. It's his last prog, so you gotta check it out!
Fate ZeroMaGuS & FungiiThis is a phat prog for AOL 3.0 & 4.0. It has a lot of features and a great interface.
FireToolz X 3.0Rj2This prog is kinda old but still good. Nice interface and a lot of features.
Fluid 7Skillz & StylezThis prog is pretty good. Not much to say about it. Download it and see for yourself.
Havok PlatinumHavok & Op IvYThis is kinda old but good. Has a lot of features and a nice intro art.
Hellraiser FinalChronos & TootieThis is another old prog but still good. It has tons of features and an area called Super Sh*t.
ICP FinalMilenkoThis is a phat prog. Has a lot of features, a lot of punt methods in the punter and a nice intro art.
Imperial 2000Stempo & MdBhatThis is a phat prog. Nice interface, a lot of features, and I like the intro music.
Klown Toolz 4.0 GoldJayHaven't tried it. Someone give me some comments.
Mafia Mini ToolzRuffThis is my friend's first prog. Not a lot of options in it, but hey, it's a mini toolz prog.
Pepsi 4.0CpRiDe & DCThis is another oldie but a goodie. Has tons of features.
Pen Toolz 2.0PenThis prog is in a very small interface but it has somewhat a lot of features.
Phaze ToolzNikeThis prog is kinda cool. It has somewhat a lot of features.
Radioactive Toolz 2.0RacerX & DoggI haven't tried it but heard I heard it was cool.
Rapier BronzeExcaliburThis prog is for both AOL 3.0 & 4.0 and it's phat. It had a lot of features and a nice i-face.
Sardonic Toolz 2.0BrochDecent prog by my bro Broch. Has mostly the basic stuff. Very good for beginners. Check it out.
South Park 1.0PhakeThis prog is phat. I don't like the interface, but it has tons of features.
Sub Zero 3.0ColdSlimeHere's another oldie but a goodie. Has a lot of features and a plain interface.
Super Mad Cow FinalHoss & LithThis kinda sucks. It doesn't have a lot of options and everything's scattered on the form.
Zero ToolzJBustThis prog is phat. It has tons of features.




[ � ASCII/Macro Shops � Chat Toolz � Crackers/Phish � Scanners � Various � ]

ASCII/Macro Shops
ASCII 2000Str0be
ASCII Shop 1.0HOiT
Black Cauldron ASCII LabVio
Macro Machine 3.0Builder
Millenium DreamsBoywonder & DaN
Navel Lint 3.0Necro

Chat Toolz
Atomic Room Buster 1.5N/AN/A
Casablanca Room BusterN/A
Chat Tools 3.0TiGeR
Drop ScrollerLoST BoY
German Monkey DrugClone
i� [Fusion] BustHiwind
KaOs UpChatSonic
LaGGy's MeGa LaGG SToReLaGGy
Leeto ScrollerCapone
Motha F*ckin Fast OHN/AN/A
Progee's LaggerProgee
Remedy Room BusterGoof

Crackers/Phish Utilities
Case's PW Crack0rCase
i2 CrackHiwind
Mask's PW GuesserMask
Ritz PW CrackerRj2
Rj2's Phish ManagerRj2N/A
Sabotage 3.3N/A

Bug SprayerDogg
FileSafe Enterprise EditionStealth
FileSafe98 Professional EditionStealth
First AidVibe
Stealth's PWSD 8.00Stealth

Various Progs
Anonymous E-MailN/AN/A
AOFreeSk8 & Engine
Few's IdleFew
Idle Toolz 2.0N/AN/A
IM MachineN/AN/A
Invisible Idle 1.2Clone
Punt Shop ProBuilder
Pup Toolz 1.0Pen
Rapier Silver IM MachineExcalibur
Reflex Scrambler 1.0NoMercy
Tera 1.3Stevai
Union IdleYaq
Vol's Idle BotVol

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